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One Love Herbals
My handmade herbal products blending western and eastern herbs!

One Love Burn Salve ~ a unique blend of cooling and tissue regenerating Chinese herbs to soothe all types and degrees of burns, including sunburns.
Soothing, cooling, and heals burns quickly. Not to be substituted for emergency medical care.
$20/1-oz bottle of salve
To purchase, contact me via email or cell

made with love in Portland, OR

One Love Herbals St. John's / Jane's Wort Oil
Wildcrafted with olive oil, sunshine, time, and love in Oregon.
A wonderful massage oil with tissue softening qualities.
1-oz jars available for $30; 4-oz jars for $50; large for $100
St. J Oil wildcrafted with olive oil in the Pacific NW. Softens muscles and tissues. A great base for salve-making projects. Check my online store for sizes and prices.
As a physician,
one must know the etiology of disease,
then treat the disease with food first,
and if there is no improvement,
then treat the disease with herbs.
-Bian Que
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