Do you love the exhilaration of extreme sports ~ skiing, skateboarding, or surfing? Do you get high on hiking in the great green forests, biking through wooded trails, or running just about anywhere? Do you love the way your yoga and meditation practice unites every cellular process with greater awareness, connecting you more to nature, to yourself, to others? Do you live for the next climb, the next hang-10 or the total paddleboard zen? Do you exhilarate and rejuvenate in the mountains, forests, oceans? Does the blue sky and sunshine infuse your brain and heart with mellow gold ~ feelings of chill and flow? Does the soft wind and rain connect you? Do you love the gentle high of life, the groove of cbd, medicinal mushrooms, or herbs as they connect you to be one with the forests, the oceans, the sunshine and sky? Acupuncture is like that. That’s why I’m an acu junky. You might be one too. Or you might be on your way. The unified contact with the elemental highs of nature is the same kind of chill, relax, and go with the flow that acupuncture can provide.

I infuse these elements into my acupuncture treatments and have done so ever since I was a student learning to needle. When giving acupuncture, I intentionally visualize the outdoors and the flow state experiences I have had in nature throughout my life - as relaxed as I can be, present in the here and now, experiencing interoception, and sending that chill from my connection to the universe to you through the needles - (or the cups / or the moxa / or the gua sha / or the bodywork).

You don’t have to love lots of needles, or get 111-needle treatments to be an acu junky. You don’t need to love deep needling or vigorous needle stimulation. You might love the gentle breeze of Japanese acupuncture or non-needle teishin. You can still get the buzz, still get the high in the most gentle of ways. You can still stimulate creative processes; you can still connect, unwind, and transform.

How do you know if you're an acu junky, or on the path?
You’re an acu junky if you’re someone who …
gets acupuncture once or twice (maybe even three times!) a week for wellness and prevention
is actively addressing deeply held patterns
wants to heal intergenerational shit and understands that acupuncture is essential for this process and progress
is into radical self-transformation - development of the highest and best version of yourself
endures minor discomfort for major gain
understands that sometimes there can be pleasure in pain
loves yourself - every molecule
You’re an aspiring acu-junky if you’re someone who …
gets acupuncture a few times a year and wants to do more
has had acupuncture before, but hasn’t leveled up yet
is just beginning to explore how much more acupuncture can offer
You’re about ready to get on the path if you’re someone who …
is considering the possible benefits of acupuncture
is wondering what conditions acupuncture can treat
is exploring whether your insurance covers this service
wants to know more

There is no wrong place to be! Wherever you are is where you are; all levels of experience exist harmoniously along a spectrum. Just be questioning and seeking. Be looking for the best version of your present and future self. Acu junky is about mind-body intention and direction towards embracing a life of wellness and self-transformation.

Contact me today to engage systemic healing, level up to acu junky, and connect with all that is!

Sending you infusions of sunshine, ocean waves, water running over stones, and deep green forests!
Abundant flow of all good things to you.

~with grateful thanks to the Wise Old Owl,
my grandfather, who encouraged me to write,
because words are gold~
written Feb 25, 2022
-kelly a ilseman