What to Expect
Your first session involves an extended interview involving history of your health concerns and review of systems, with shorter check-ins on subsequent visits to update current health status and progress. All acupuncture and herbal treatments include observation of tongue and pulse, and sometimes include abdominal (hara) palpation and diagnosis. I may use a combination of traditional massage, cupping, gua sha, moxa, e-stim, shiatsu, TDP heat lamp, or infrared heating pad during your treatment as appropriate. Herbs (ingestible and/or topical), nutritional remedies, and functional movement may be recommended at the end of your treatment.
Generally 6 treatments minimum per condition can be expected, at least once/week. Two visits/week for the first three weeks and once/week after that for three more weeks can be expected as an initial course of treatment for many conditions, especially if you have never received acupuncture regularly. Chronic conditions generally take longer to heal, even though you may experience relief after each visit. Imagine how long a condition took to develop or has remained in the body - sometimes years; it may take the same amount of time to treat. Herbs may take effect quickly for some conditions or they may take up three months or more to show results. Have patience – slow medicine leads to sustainable health and well-being!
Acupuncture - New/Established Patient (120/90 min $150/$100*)
Acupuncture. Plain and simple. Purely magical. Safe and effective. Relieves pain, find calm, improve sleep and digestion, and treats a myriad of internal medicine or musculoskeletal conditions. May include massage, cupping, gua sha, moxa, e-stim, infrared, and sound as indicated. (Please note: appointments paid with insurance are 120 min for new clients and 90 min for established patients. Add-on services such as massage, cupping, gua sha, and moxa are offered for an additional fee.)
Add-On Pricing
E-stim $15
Moxibustion $15 + copay
Cupping or Gua Sha (10 min) $15 + copay
Oil Massage (10 min) $10 + copay
Full Body Shiatsu Massage $40 + copay
Half Shiatsu Massage $30 + copay
Cupping releases tension, relieves pain, and detoxifies the body with the use of stationary or moving glass cups, while gua sha has similar actions via the use of a hammered copper scraping tool. Cupping can be substituted for gua sha upon request.
Burning moxa, the dried mugwort herb, generates infrared heat that penetrates deep into the body to warm, soothe, and heal. Moxa application can be directly on the skin, on a needle ("warming needle”), or above the surface of the skin using a moxa wand. Nourish your fire!
E-stim electrodes connect to at least two needles. This connection increases the treatment effect by stimulating the needles at a faster rate and longer period of time than is possible with manual manipulation. Increases output of endogenous opioids for greater analgesic and calming effects.
Express Acupuncture - New/Established Patient (60/45 min $100/75)
Any of the acupuncture treatments available for established patients, but in a shorter appointment timeframe at a discounted price.
Oregon Auto Accident Coverage Acupuncture - (90 min, free)
Any driver, pedestrian, passenger, or bicyclist who is injured in a motor vehicle accident and has an open claim in the state of Oregon can receive free medical care up to $25,000, regardless of fault. This is a problem-focused visit to treat acute injuries and facilitate recovery. Treatments are individually tailored to your needs and presentation, while focusing on recovery goals. I may use a combination of cupping, moxa, gua sha, e-stim, shiatsu, heat lamp, or infrared heating pad during your treatment when appropriate. Herbs, nutrition, and functional movement may be recommended at the end of your treatment.
Chinese Herbs - New/Established Patient (60 min $75/30 min $40)
Choose this option if you want herbs but not acupuncture. Perfect for telehealth patients. Your first herbal meeting intake involves a history of your health concerns and a review of systems focused on your health issue of concern. All in-person sessions involve observation of tongue and pulse. Herbal treatments are tailored to your individual needs and presentation while focusing on your short- and long-term health goals. I am able to prescribe herbal formulas in tablet form; additionally, I am able to prescribe bulk and granule herbs available through the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) herbal medicinary at 75 NW Couch St. You can pick up in person or have the herbs shipped to your home for an extra $11. Follow-up appointments allow me to assess your progress, to provide support, and to modify/refill herbal prescriptions as necessary. I also make custom herbal products by request. Click here for examples.
Shiatsu (60 min $100)*
Receive a gentle energy-based massage involving finger/palm pressure along the shiatsu meridians of your body. Shiatsu begins with abdominal (hara) palpation, and then may include all areas of your body, including abdomen, legs, chest, arms, neck, head, back, feet, and off-body. Allow yourself to experience the awareness and insight of being deeply present in your body, and to heighten your vibration to resonate with the purest, healthiest, most whole version of yourself!
Shiatsu + Acupuncture – Established Patient (90 min $120*)
Receive a gentle energy-based massage involving rhythmic pressure along the shiatsu meridians of your body, with acupuncture needles incorporated as indicated for your presentation in the moment along with your health goals. Shiatsu begins with abdominal (hara) palpation, and then may include all areas of your body, including abdomen, legs, chest, arms, neck, head, back, feet, and off-body. As I’m working on one area in shiatsu, another may have acupuncture needles. Allow yourself to experience the awareness and insight of being deeply present in your body, and to heighten your vibration to resonate with the purest, healthiest, most whole version of yourself!
Shiatsu + Cupping – Established Patient (90 min $120*)
Receive a gentle energy-based massage involving rhythmic pressure along the shiatsu meridians of your body, with cupping either before or afterwards. Shiatsu begins with abdominal (hara) palpation, and then may include all areas of your body, including abdomen, legs, chest, arms, neck, head, back, feet, and off-body. Allow yourself to experience the awareness and insight of being deeply present in your body, and to heighten your vibration to resonate with the purest, healthiest, most whole version of yourself!
Reflexology Foot Massage + Foot Soak (60 min $100*)
Reflexology foot massage. Did you know that every major organ system in your body is represented on your feet? Well-balanced and aligned structural and functional movement begins with the foundation of your feet. Reflexology involves using firm pressure on special areas of your feet to relieve stress, release myofascial tissue, and restore optimal functioning of all body systems. You will feel the beneficial effects throughout your entire body after reflexology. Treat your feet to reflexology and allow yourself the freedom of feeling lighter and more at ease!
Reflexology + Acupuncture - Established Patient (90 min $150*)
Reflexology foot massage combined with auricular and body acupuncture points. Reflexology involves using firm pressure on special areas of your feet to relieve stress, release myofascial tissue, and restore optimal functioning of all body systems. Receive a foot massage while also getting the benefits of acupuncture! You will feel the beneficial effects throughout your entire body after reflexology + acupuncture. Treat your feet and allow yourself the freedom of feeling lighter, more at ease, and in the creative flow state!
Auricular Acupuncture Bar - Established Patient (30 min $25 cash only)
Get an auricular (ear) acupuncture tune-up anytime you need one! Auricular (ear) acupuncture maps the whole body, easily allowing simple treatments that impact the whole body! Tap in to the calming effects of your vagus nerve and sink into your rest and digest zone. Whether your day is busy with meetings and you just have a short lunch break, or you’re headed out of town and want a quick pre-trip treatment, stop by the acu bar! You can work on any condition with ear needles! You are worth it!
Acupuncture + Yoga Nidra - Established Patient (90 min $120)
Classic acupuncture plus progressive whole-body relaxation and deep psychic sleep (yoga nidra) while you rest with your needles. Soothe your nervous system, tap inner resources, plant your own subconscious intentions, nourish/energize chakras, reboot your nervous system, and create a space for regenerative healing. Leave feeling deeply refreshed and restored!
Nutritional Healing with Whole Foods – New/Established Patient (60 min $75/30 min $40)
Healing begins with food! The benefits of acupuncture, massage, and herbs are magnified and amplified with a clean diet. Nutritional guidance is discussed based on the concept of healing with whole foods, healing your gut, detoxifying, and supporting integrated optimal health. We can work creatively and collaboratively to find ways to make simple but effective dietary modifications. Follow-up visits allow us to discuss changes made, challenges, and solutions. I provide support, encouragement, and recommendations to help you make dietary and lifestyle changes that you are ready to make to feel your best. Please join me on your nutritional healing journey!
Total Lifestyle Revolution - New Patients New/Established Patient ($2,450*)
This package includes two treatments per week (one acupuncture and one shiatsu + acupuncture), one qigong self-massage session per treatment, herbal medicine guidance, nutritional guidance specifically based on your constitutional pattern presentation, and three home visits over the course of three months. Nutritional guidance will be based on biomedical and eastern medicine concepts. Intakes include health history, range of systems, gut health, food relationships, and your health goals. Three home visits include involving a deep dive into lifestyle and nutritional coaching that involves sourcing healthful, unprocessed foods, and creating simple, healthful, delicious meals based on clean organic foods. Be prepared to clear out your pantry and eliminate trigger foods; we will donate unopened items to a local food pantry. The books Healthy Healing, Healing with Whole Foods, Ani's Raw Food Kitchen, and Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen will be used throughout this journey. Social support and encouragement will be provided. You are not alone! This is a total lifestyle revolution. If you are ready to embark on a personally transformative journey to heal yourself beginning with your gut, then this disciplined and enlightened series is for you.
Restorative Yoga (60-min individual sessions, $65; or 60-min group classes, $100/class)
Give yourself the gift of restoration. Allow yourself to be fully supported. Fully deepen into relaxation, nurturing yourself on all levels. Using bolsters, blankets, and blocks, safely explore heart openers, twists, and gentle inversions - invitations to healing. Drop into the sweetness of your own body, and luxuriate in the present moment. Take time for yourself to stop and rest. Be refreshed. This meditative practice uses the breath as a focal point for being more fully present in the body and in the present moment. "Salutations to she who allows all to rest." - from the Lakshmi Puja
Qigong Self-Massage or Thousand Hands Buddha (by donation only)
Individual private one-on-one class. Learn how to give yourself a qigong self-massage or how to practice Thousand Hands Buddha qigong form. Allow yourself to soften, feel lighter, and restore your energy using these simple, easy-to-learn styles from ancient China.
Travel-to-you Acupuncture (cupping/gua sha, moxa, herbs) + Bodywork (initial visit $250 + 0.50 cents/mile; established $175 + 0.50 cents/mile)
Any of the above modalities are available in travel-to-you format. I have a travel table and treatment kit that I will bring with me! Allow yourself to receive treatment in the comfort and convenience of your own home.
*acupuncture/bodywork packages available for full-price cash clients - 6 treatments for the price of 5 (must be used within 3 months)

Writing Consultation: Technical/Research or Creative (professionals $50/hour; students $30/hour)
I offer consultation for both technical and creative writing, including technical and creative content, writing structure, grammar/spelling, and copy-editing. Click here for an example of my technical writing and visit my blog page for additional examples; click here for samples of my creative writing. Technical writing specialties include grant-writing, peer-reviewed research drafts, Doctoral or Master's dissertations/theses, capstone projects, case analyses/reports, and any other technical written document. I am able to flexibly and creatively brainstorm with you to meet you where you are and start coaching or editing at any part of the writing process. For creative writing, we can consider methods to encourage creative processes, including perspective, visualizations, mind-body influences, and the roles that acupuncture, meditation, and yoga can play in freeing and flowing your writing. I'm happy and excited to offer these services, as writing is one of my greatest strengths and enjoy every aspect of it. I've been writing/illustrating stories since I was 5, writing for my own personal processing/healing since age 9-10, and have coached and copy-edited the writing of hundreds of research papers, including peer-reviewed research submissions for doctoral students, doctoral capstones/dissertations, and multiple other technical documents. My creative writing has melded with my yoga, meditation, and acupuncture processes, blending into unique mind-body creative lived experience. I look forward to working with you!

May we continue to give ourselves over to what is deepest and best in ourselves,
over and over and over again,
encouraging those seeds of our truest nature to grow and flower and –
for the sake of all beings near and far, known and unknown-
nourish our lives and work and world from moment to moment,
and from day to day.
-John Kabat Zinn